Paul Fox

VOICE ARTIST, WRITER, ILLUSTRATOR PaulFox Paul Fox a is married father of four, and grandfather of nine. Raised in mainline Protestantism, he converted to Catholicism 20 years ago after a vain search for the “true church” elsewhere. He has never looked back. Apart...

Albert Saenz

READER AlbertSaenz Albert was born in South Texas, and he has the boots to prove it! In 2011, he moved to Washington, DC to work for the United States conference of Catholic Bishops and the Family Research Council. While in DC, he met his beautiful wife, Elizabeth. In...

Michael Thimons

READER, ILLUSTRATOR, WRITER MichaelThimons Michael Thimons graduated from Franciscan University in 2013, and now works as a host and audio technician at We Are One Body® Radio. In his spare time, he enjoys illustrating saints for Catholic newspapers and bulletins, and...

Grettelyn Darkey

VOICE ARTIST, WRITER, DIRECTOR, COMPOSER GrettelynDarkey Grettelyn currently works for The Society of GK Chesterton. She has contributed to We Are One Body® Audio Theatre as  Senior Editor and Theatrical Director. In addition to her contributions at the audio theatre,...

Dennis Jerz

READER DennisJerz Dennis Jerz teaches literature and writing at Seton Hill University. His experience includes reporting news for WINA-AM/WQMZ-FM Charlottesville, writing for the Virginia Engineering Foundation, and performing character roles for Stage Right...

John Wojtechko

WRITER, DIRECTOR, COMPOSER, READER JohnWojtechko John Wojtechko has a degree in communication and English from Saint Vincent College. He has performed on stage in over thirty theatrical productions and has directed, assistant directed, and produced six shows. Although...