Our Volunteers

Albert Saenz

Asher Yautz

Bobbi Borgo

Carolyn Jerz

Catherine Stuart

Chris Paluzzi

Christopher Reibold

Clark Stephenson

Connor Evans

Dana Flowers

Dennis Jerz

Ed McKinnon

Edward Roberts

Elizabeth Saenz

Emily Palombo

Ericka Lear

Eva Nypaver

Eva Rainforth

Fabrice Poussin

Finn O’Hara

Fr. Richard Infante

Fr. Stephen West

Gabriel Nypaver

Genevieve LaFosse

Gino Dinardo

Gino Tiedman

Grettelyn Darkey

Henry Krom

Ian Floyd

Isaac Krom

James G. Bruen, Jr.

Jane Lebak

Jason Leikam

Jay Kuntz

Jean Pistentis

Jenna Gorsich

Jessica Evans

Joe Campbell

Joe Potts

Joe Rice

John Kenyon

John Walker

John Wojtechko

Jordan Callahan

Jules Collins

Julianne Bartko

Kelsey McIntyre

Lawrence Cuda

Leigh Anne Jerz

Lilly Kenyon

Luke O’Connell

Marie Palmer

Matthew Wojtechko

Megan Gannon

Micaela Kreuzwieser

Michael Brackney

Michael Marinchak

Michael Steele

Michael Thimons

Nancy McKinnon

Nataly Smyntek C.

Nathan B. Turner

Nicholas Hannon

Patrick Philip Becker

Paul Fox

Paul Guggenheimer

Peter Jerz

Peter Wojtechko, Jr.

Philip Marinchak

Rhiannon Owen

Ryan Kube

Sarah Krnosky

Scott Walton

Sean Fitzpatrick

Sean Reilly

Shana M. Buck

Stephen Marinchak

Susan Potts

Thaddaeus Nypaver

Theresa Arnette

Tony Chiappetta

Trina Kenyon

X. Alejandra Castillo Smyntek

Xavier LaFosse

Zach (Mariah) Betz

Voice Artist
Albert Saenz
Albert was born in South Texas, and he has the boots to prove it! In 2011, he moved to Washington, DC to work for the United States conference of Catholic Bishops and the Family Research Council. While in DC, he met his beautiful wife, Elizabeth. In 2014 he moved to Western PA and began working for We Are One Body® Radio. Albert has always been creative at heart, making his first recordings on cassette tape at age seven. In high school he moved from cassette tapes to video, and he still believes strongly in the power of audiovisual media to influence people in their thoughts and actions. When he is not working, Albert loves to spend time with his wife and kids.
The Bremen Town Musicians
A Man Needs His Work
The Monkey’s Paw
The Hermit’s Tale
The Thorn
The Return of Spring
I See His Blood upon the Rose
Lines Written in Early Spring
The Raven
The Two Sides of Christmas
Two Poets

Voice Artist
Asher Yautz
Asher Yautz is a graduate from Vancouver Film School, majoring in Acting for TV and Film. He has worked on Amazon Prime and student films both in the US and Canada. After competing in the “International Model & Talent Association” competition, he is now represented in LA, Atlanta and Ohio. Asher also has a strong passion for stunt-work and writing.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 2
MisSpelled: Episode 4 and Episode 7
The Barking Cat (Zoom Performance)
Smart City (Zoom Performance)
Alice in Wonderland (Zoom Performance)
Sherlock Holmes and the Woman (Zoom Performance)
Beauty and the Beast

Bobbi Borgo
Bobbi Borgo recently retired from the Westmoreland Intermediate Unit 7 where she provided learning support and speech/language support services in both parochial and public schools. An advocate for children with special needs, she continues to collaborate with educational professionals to promote literacy skills.
In addition to a lifelong love of learning, Bobbi is very passionate about music. She believes music is a universal language and a powerful means of communication. Her favorite musical experiences include portraying Lady Thiang in The King and I, singing in Italy (with the Greensburg Diocesan Choir for Pope Benedict XVI, at the Vatican and with the St. Vincent Camerata in Lodi and Bergamo), and performing with the PSO in the All University Choir and Singing City under the direction of renowned conductors, Robert Page and Manfred Honeck. Currently, Bobbi is a member of the St. Vincent Camerata, Westmoreland Symphony Orchestra Chamber Singers, and the Diocesan Choir of Greensburg.
Bobbi is a practicing Roman Catholic, has two adult children, and lives in Greensburg with her husband of forty years.
The Woman at the Well (Version 2)
The Last Leaf
Gold Leaves
The Wise Men
Jorinda and Jorindel
Psalm 09
Proverbs 13

Voice Artist
Carolyn Jerz
Carolyn has grown up recording with WAOB. Originally a homeschooled student, Carolyn performed with local theatre groups in Greensburg and Pittsburgh such as Stage Right, the Geyer, the Theatre Factory, Latrobe Cabaret, Apple Hill, Greensburg Civic Theater, and Laurel Ballet. She has won Pittsburgh Public Theatre’s Shakespeare Monologue Contest three times. Now a student at Seton Hill University, where she studies Musical Theatre and Health Science to become both a performer and physical therapy assistant, Carolyn has more recently performed with Pittsburgh Irish Classic Theatre, Prime Stage, and St. Vincent Summer Theatre. Carolyn is very grateful for the opportunity to explore voice over work in this meaningful way, and especially proud to have voiced Irene Adler in the quarantine livestream of “Sherlock Holmes & the Woman.”
The Nightmare of Prince Prezelsky
Christmas Letters
Ozma and the Little Wizard
The Little Match Girl
The Little Mermaid
The Brementown Musicians
The Eerie (With Sound FX)
Electron Jones and the Talent Thief
Electron Jones and the Mysterious Message
Electron Jones and the Mind Over Matter Affair
Christmas Letters (With Music)
Imaginary Twin
A Christmas Carol: Episode 2
Only a Dad
The Annunciation
The Daughter of Siena
Misspelled: Episode 6
The Patroness of Paris
Sherlock Holmes and the Woman (Zoom Performance)

Voice Artist
Catherine Stuart
A senior at Franciscan University, Cate Stuart is currently studying theology and has been acting since the age of three. Some of her favorite roles include Anne in The Diary of Anne Frank (Stowe Theatre Guild), Fern in Charlotte’s Web (Dallas Children’s Theater), and Rebecca Gibbs in Our Town (Theatre Coppell). She hopes to pursue a career in the arts and is grateful to WAOB® Audio Theatre for combining her two passions for theology and theatre.
Rosa Mystica
The Transfiguration

Voice Artist, Illustrator
Chris Paluzzi
Chris Paluzzi is a senior graphic design major at Saint Vincent College. A Christmas Carol is his first gig with We Are One Body® Audio Theatre. Most of his acting experience has been on stage, performing in plays and musicals inside and outside of school, such as The Pirates of Penzance, The Man of La Mancha, and The Sorcerer. Chris hopes to pursue a career in an animation studio, like Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network. He loves to draw cartoons and comics, make stories, sing, and act. He thinks that it’s the best way to express his feelings.
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 5 An Abominable Adventure
Jimmy Scarecrow’s Christmas
Beyond the Shadows of Darkness
Summer Shower
St. Michael
The Spell of The Yukon
MisSpelled: Episodes 1 and 7
The Nightmare of Prezelsky (Zoom Performance)
The Light Princess (Zoom Performance)
Alice in Wonderland (Zoom Performance)
The Mystery of the Blue Cross (Zoom Performance)
A Christmas Carol: Episode 1
A Christmas Carol: Episode 2
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4
The Tale of Johnny Townmouse
The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin
Damon and Pythias
Paul Revere

Writer, Voice Artist
Christopher Reibold
Christopher Reibold is a Catholic writer and storyteller. At 13, he declined to make his confirmation. By 17, he no longer attended Mass. He worked for many years in the business world. Through his love of reading, he discovered the saints and became fascinated by their stories. His interest in the saints eventually led him to return to the Catholic Church in 2013. Chris was confirmed at Easter 2014. Since then, he has dedicated himself to retelling the lives and legends of the saints as short stories, sketches, and vignettes. He has appeared on several Catholic radio, podcast, and television programs including: The Live Hour, Church and Culture, Signposts, and The Journey Home. and In addition to contributing to We Are One Body® Audio Theatre, he is the author of The Saints at the Chapel: Thrilling Tales of History’s Holiest Heroes, available from Lambing Press.
The Angel’s Door
The Hermit’s Tale
The Hunting Party
The Thing in the Swamp
The Rescuer
The Nightmare of Prince Prezelsky
The Interlopers
Last Meal
Saint Patrick was a Welshman
The Grateful Pilgrim
In The Old Churchyard by the Sea
The Treasures of the Church

Voice Artist
Clark Stephenson
Clark is a lifelong musician (piano/voice) living in Ligonier, PA, originally from Butler, whose favorite activity is singing for the Traditional Latin Mass, at Holy Family in Latrobe and other churches in the region. He’s a graduate of Westminster College and Robert Morris University, works as a data analyst during the day, and helps part time in the family food business. He also enjoys hunting, fishing, long winters and short pants, and is very grateful to be given an opportunity to have this much fun recording great Catholic content for the public.
The Guardians of the Door
Bible Quiz 6 and 11
The Garden of Gethsemane
Sorrowful Mother
Missa pro defunctis pauperibus: I. Introit
The Forgotten
Tollite portas
Psalm 4
Proverbs 24

Voice Artist
Connor Evans
Connor Evans is a student at St. Vincent College and resides in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He is a fan of science fiction and fantasy, and is an avid historian. Connor enjoys working at, and giving tours of, Fort Ligonier, a historic site in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. He is also a collector of military relics.
The Executioner (Full Cast)
Giant Slayer
Jack and the Giant Apple
Psalm 44

Voice Artist
Dana Flowers
Following 20 years of public speaking as an educator engaging audiences of all ages and numbering 1 – 500, Dana has been bringing her talent to the world of voice-overs for the past ten years. She has recorded television and radio commercials for companies and networks across the country and around the world. Additionally, Dana voices narration internationally for e-learning, corporate/industrial videos, explainer videos, documentaries, short stories, and telephone messaging. She is a classic example of how – with the foundation of faith – personal interests and passions shift over time, leading to new and amazing career opportunities.
The Bremen Town Musicians
The Sleeping Beauty
Winnie the Pooh and Some Bees
Professional Help
Double Wife
An Angel in Disguise
The Little Mermaid
The Elves and the Playwright
All Gifts
Encounter at Dragon Valley
Final Cadence
The New World Martyrology
The Lady or the Tiger?
Psalm 17
The Nightmare of Prezelsky (Zoom Performance)
Smart City (Zoom Performance)
The Queen Bee
The Singing Bone
Hope and a Prayer
The Diamond Necklace
The Promised Plant
Four-Leaf Clover
Proverbs 06
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 3 Gone Without a Trace

Voice Artist
Dennis Jerz
Dennis Jerz teaches literature and writing at Seton Hill University. His experience includes reporting news for WINA-AM/WQMZ-FM Charlottesville, writing for the Virginia Engineering Foundation, and performing character roles for Stage Right Professional Theatre Company in Greensburg, PA. As a parishioner at St. Vincent Basilica Parish in Latrobe, PA, he has served as a leader for Catholic Faith Formation, Youth Ministry and Vacation Bible School, and is also a member of the choir.
The Nightmare of Prince Prezelsky
The Interlopers
Christmas Letters
Ozma and the Little Wizard
The Details of the Devil
The Executioner
The Monkey’s Paw
Two Poets
The Superman
The Mystery of Dr. Watson
A Grave Tale
The Christmas Caper
The Gift of the Magi
Psalm 18
Sherlock Holmes and the Woman (Zoom Performance)
Time Enough at Last
The Cowherd Who Became a Poet
Proverbs 04
Cry From a Far Planet
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 1 The Time Elephant
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 5 An Abominable Adventure

Voice Artist
Ed McKinnon
Ed is a retired engineer, having spent 10 years teaching at the college level and 30 years in the cemented carbide industry. He has degrees in Metallurgical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Engineering Mechanics. His first two degrees were earned at the University of Nevada in Reno, and his PhD was earned at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Ed is a lector at Latrobe Presbyterian Church and is active on several church committees. He is also a member of SCORE at St. Vincent College and volunteers at Excela Latrobe Hospital. Reading “The Emperor’s New Clothes” for WAOB® Audio Theatre was a new adventure. Ed looks forward to other reading opportunities.
The Emperor’s New Clothes
A Christmas Carol: Episode 1
MisSpelled: Episode 2
Patroness of Paris
Psalm 130

Voice Artist
Edward Roberts
Edward is a native of Ligonier, PA, and loves the history and character of his hometown. He is a graduate of Saint Vincent College and Mount Saint Mary’s University, and is a life-long learner. He is also an avid baker, an amateur musician, and a fan of PG Wodehouse and Max Beerbohm.
The Selfish Giant
Electron Jones and the Talent Thief
Photo Op
Fourth Shop on the Right
Winter Branches
To St. Joseph
Sonnet Written in Holy Week at Genoa
The Theologian’s Tale
MisSpelled: Episode 6
The Patroness of Paris
Psalm 73
Proverbs 10

Reader, Writer
Elizabeth Saenz
Elizabeth Saenz is a former administrative assistant and freelance editor turned full-time wife and mother. She currently spends the majority of her day negotiating terms with a toddler. Her leisure time is spent devouring books, particularly those written by Jane Austen and P.G. Wodehouse. Her creative outlets include contributing both her voice and her pen to WAOB audio theatre, and intending to write the Great American Novel somewhere in the midst of finding sippy cups and making peanut butter sandwiches.
The Wicker Children
The Siege
The Treasure Chest
The Little Mermaid
A Toddler’s Christmas
The Burning Babe
Mary of Nazareth
She Who Sleeps
The Lantern out of Doors
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
The Angel’s Story
Seen and Unseen
The Nutty Confessor

Emily Palombo
Emily Palombo is a freelance writer and copyeditor receiving a bachelor’s degree in English from Kent State University with minors in creative writing and professional and technical writing. She writes fiction and poetry, published to her website www.restlesswords.com. At Kent State, she works as a writing tutor at the university library, and as an intern for the Kent State University Press. Her work has been published twice in Luna Negra, the university’s literary and arts magazine. She is the president of the Xi Mu chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honors Society. She has received several scholarships and honors for her academic performance and her writing at Kent State. After graduation, she plans to work for a publishing house as an editorial assistant.
Lights On

Ericka Lear
Ericka has been acting since the age of 4. She attended Carnegie Mellon Pre College for music theatre and attended Penn State University, where she majored in theatre. She has appeared onstage and in film and television, most recently in the Amazon series Almost Grownups. In her downtime, she teaches piano and voice. She is married to Len, and has 3 awesomely crazy kids.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 1
The Mystery of the Blue Cross (Zoom Performance)
Jeeves Knows Best (Zoom Performance)

Eva Nypaver
Homeschooled high school student Eva Nypaver attends college classes at the Community College of Allegheny County. She lives in Bellevue, PA, with her parents and two of her brothers. She is the youngest of nine children and has various talents. Eva has been doing Irish step dancing for eight years with the Pittsburgh Irish Reelers. She has been studying piano for the last seven years under the instruction of Dr. George Pearsall. As an active member of Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish, in the North Side of Pittsburgh, she sings with the Gradus Cantorum under the direction of Sharon Burchill. She also sings with the Junior Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh conducted by Dr. Carron Daley. She has performed in multiple productions with St. Genesius of Rome Theater Group as well as with the All Saints Youth Theater Group. Eva portrayed Maria Valdez in Viva Cristo Rey, Katy in The Curé of Ars, the tempting serpent and Herod’s advisor in The Promise, and Nurse Hall in Little Nellie. In the six years Eva has attended art classes at Cherry Court Studios, she has discovered a love of colorist art and a passion for fashion. She hopes to study fashion design in college.
Imaginary Twin

Reader, Writer
Eva Rainforth
Eva Rainforth currently works as a voice teacher with the faculty at Point Park University, and is certified in Somatic VoiceWork™. She has sung as a soloist with The Pittsburgh Symphony, The River City Brass Band, The Pittsburgh Concert Chorale, and The Mendelssohn Choir. She currently sings with the Pittsburgh Opera Chorus. While in New York, she also worked as an actress with The PaperMill Playhouse, Florida Studio Theatre, The PaperBag Players, and performed Pitti-Sing from The Mikado at City Center, in NYC.
Eva graduated with a degree in vocal performance from Fredonia State University. She enjoys writing songs and poems – some of which have been fashioned into a theatrical recital called, “Modern American Art Songs….with a Twist!” Eva lives on the north side of Pittsburgh with her husband Michael, and 14-year-old cat, Smokey.
“Art is to the spirit what bread is to the body: a necessity without which it cannot renew itself.” —Daisaku Ikeda
Because I Could Not Stop for Death
My Mistress’ Eyes
The Aged Mother
What Father Knows
The Heating Contractor (With Sound FX)
Lights On
She Was a Prune

Fabrice Poussin
Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and dozens of other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review as well as other publications.
The Spell of the Yukon
The Hermit’s Tale

Finn O’Hara
Finn O’Hara began performing at the age of 3 with Easy Street Productions in Youngstown, Ohio. Now a 7th grader at Hubbard Middle School, Finn is an Equity Member Candidate and has performed in over 20 musicals throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. Professional Credits include: Matilda (Bruce Bogtrotter), A Christmas Story (Ralphie), Oliver (Dodger), Newsies (Les) and The Addams Family (Pugsley). Finn would like to thank We Are One Body Audio Theater for this unique opportunity.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4

Writer, Voice Artist
Fr. Richard Infante
Fr. Richard A. Infante has served as the pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Scott Township, in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, since 2004. Ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Donald W. Weurl in 1992, he previously served as pastor of Nativity Parish in South Park, and parochial vicar of churches around the Pittsburgh diocese. In addition to his parish work, Fr. Infante has served as an adjunct spiritual director at Saint Vincent Seminary and has served on the Pittsburgh Diocesan Pastoral and Priests’ Council, as well as the Clergy Personnel Board. Devoted to carefully prepared preaching and catechesis, Fr. Infante also teaches scripture courses Saint Paul Seminary in Crafton, PA.
An accomplished writer, Fr. Infante is the author the critically acclaimed book, Last Priest Standing, published by Lambing Press in 2015. Last Priest Standing is a collection of reflections on the priesthood and the sacramental life of the Church today, with all of the joys, challenges, and graces they bring to Catholic life.

Voice Artist
Fr. Stephen West
Fr. Stephen West comes from a longstanding southern family from Atlanta, Georgia. From age 13, Fr. Stephen lived in Allison Park, PA. In 1972, he graduated from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania with degrees in Fine Art and Art History. In his last year of college, Fr. Stephen converted to Catholicism. After graduation, he entered St. Mary’s seminary, and was ordained a priest in 1979. Since then, Fr. Stephen has been a parochial vicar and pastor in the Diocese of Greensburg, he has worked as a chaplain and professor at Seton Hill University, and he has ministered to the terminally ill at Westmoreland Hospital. He is currently a retired priest for the Diocese of Greensburg, PA.
The Treasure Chest
The Saddest Noise
The Pumpkin
The Harvest Moon
After Great Pain
The Hound of Heaven
Spring and Fall
The Two Brothers and the Gold
The Brementown Musicians
The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The Angelus
Lead, Kindly Light
The Garden of Gethsemane
Patroness of Paris
The Tailor of Gloucester

Gabriel Nypaver
Gabriel is a college student studying computer information systems. His interest in computers is due to the video games he played as a kid. He was, and still is, fascinated by video games, and he still enjoys playing video games to this day. In middle and high school, Gabriel took art lessons and found out that he could draw. Now, he hopes to improve his drawing skills, so that one day he can use them to design his own video games.
The Nightmare of Prince Prezelsky
Encounter at Dragon Valley

Genevieve LaFosse
Genevieve LaFosse is a student at Saint Vincent College pursuing a Communications degree. She resides in Latrobe, PA and is an active member of Holy Family Parish, singing in the schola there. During some of high school, she was a part of the Hometown Arts Troupe and was in two plays, Peter Pan and Beauty and the Beast. In her free time, she enjoys playing piano and painting.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 2

Gino Dinardo
Gino has enjoyed roles in film and stage projects, as well as productions with WAOB® Audio Theatre. He lives in Southwestern Pennsylvania where he would like to get into public radio and continue acting. He refrains from starvation by working in the civil engineering field. Washington, DC is his favorite big city because he finds it inspiring and beautiful.
The Fourth Shop on the Right

Gino Tiedman
Gino Adrian Tiedeman is a 1st grader at Aquinas Academy in Greensburg, PA. He resides in Scottdale, PA, is a member of the Mt. Pleasant Aqua Club, and takes piano at the Geyer Performing Arts Center in Scottdale. Gino loves art and music. He is excited for his first radio voice over opportunity.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3

Voice Artist, Director, Composer
Grettelyn Darkey
Grettelyn currently works for The Society of GK Chesterton. She has contributed to We Are One Body® Audio Theatre as Senior Editor and Theatrical Director. In addition to her contributions at the audio theatre, Grettelyn has written short fiction, poetry, and essays for Gilbert Magazine, The Saint Austin Review, The Three Rivers Review, and several other publications. A professional vocalist, Grettelyn sings in the Pittsburgh Opera Chorus, the Saint Vincent Camerata, and other classical music groups around the Pittsburgh area. A deeply creative person, Grettelyn enjoys making beautiful things. She believes that the imagination is one of God’s greatest gifts, and that to embody ideas with tangible art is one of the noblest endeavors of the human soul.
The New World Martyrology
The Executioner
Heart’s Desire
Double Wife
Christmas Letters
The Details of the Devil
The King of Hearts
The Superman
Final Cadence
She Who Sleeps
The Patroness of Paris
Saint Patrick was a Welshman
All Gifts
Giant Slayer
A Child of the Snows
I Loved You First
The Donkey
Good Friday
Easter Communion
The Thing in the Swamp
The Hare and the Tortoise
The Junk Box
The Month of Mary
Christmas Guardians
One Day is There
A Better Resurrection
Heart’s Desire

Henry Krom
Henry Krom, an eighth grader at Christ the Divine Teacher School in Latrobe PA, has been playing the violin for four years. He currently plays in the Westmoreland Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Seton Hill University Honors Orchestra. In addition to the violin, Henry has played the piano for nine years, and participates in many concerts and competitions with the Westmoreland Chapter of the Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association. When not creating music, Henry enjoys performing in his school plays and spending time with friends and family.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 2

Ian Floyd
Ian grew up in Zelienople, PA and met his wife in Nashville, TN. A stay at home father who loves his daughter very much, Ian enjoys working on set in the various shows that are produced in the Pittsburgh area.
Photo Op
The Frog and the Ox
The Boy and the Nettle
The Dog in the Manger

Isaac Krom
Isaac Krom is excited to be participating in his first audio production with We Are One Body® Audio Theatre. He attends Greater Latrobe Senior High School, and is an active member of the school’s drama club and International Thespian Society troup. He has also participated in shows outside of the school. Other than theater, Isaac enjoys cooking, music, chess, and table tennis.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4

James G. Bruen, Jr.
James G. Bruen, Jr. is a recovering attorney. A married father of seven, he lives in Virginia. His non-fiction appears primarily in Culture Wars magazine. His piece, The Academic Affair, a murder mystery, won the 1991 Stuart Stiller Writing Competition. Collections of his stories are available in Kindle editions on Amazon.
Photo Op
Last Meal
Heating Contractor
Be a Man
The Christmas Caper
Sunday Golfer

Reader, Writer
Jane Lebak
Jane Lebak writes books and knits socks. If you enjoyed Winter Branches, you may also like the Seven Archangels Saga, beginning with An Arrow in Flight. You can check that out at www.JaneLebak.com
Winter Branches

Voice Artist
Jason Leikam
Specializing in Radio/TV commercials, e-learning, Corporate Training, Audiobooks, and other long form narration, Jason has been serving his clients with professional sound for over 20 years. Over the years The Big Ten Network, Hills Brand Pet Foods, Land O’ Lakes, The Department of Defense, Texas A&M University, and many others have trust him to deliver quality work with broadcast quality sound. He is now honored to be part of the Audio Theatre team.
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Guardian Angel
Father We Thank Thee
Nicholas and the Gold Coins
To The Fourth of July
Hora Novissima
MisSpelled: Episode 6
MisSpelled: Episode 7
Smart City (Zoom Performance)

Jay Kuntz
A lifelong resident of Western PA, Jay is now retired. Married for 38 years, he has two wonderful adult daughters that inspire him. He had a wonderful career in video and TV, and is now exploring photography and spending time at Chautauqua Lake. He is on the Board of Directors for the Pittsburgh Photo Club and the Bemus Point Stow Ferry. Being retired, his daily routine no longer revolves around work. He now has the time to try his hand at doing narration work, which is something many have told him he has the voice for. Life is good.
Lights On
The Fourth Shop on the Right

Jean Pistentis
Jean Pistentis hails from Smethport, PA in Northern PA. In 1977, she received an Associate Degree in Radio Broadcasting from Williamsport Community College, after which she moved to Southwestern PA. She was employed by several radio stations in the area before retiring to raise her 8 children. During that time, Jean dedicated herself to volunteer work, particularly to singing with area church choirs, The Saint Vincent Camerata, and The Greensburg Diocesan Choir. She has even traveled with the Camerata to Italy to perform in Rome, Lodi & Bergamo.
Jean lives with her husband, Terry “Lefty” Pistentis, in Greensburg, PA. Their children are all married, and they have 5 grandchildren.
Mary Magdalene
Mother Holle
Electron Jones and the Talent Thief
Psalm 116
Proverbs 11

Voice Artist
Jenna Gorsich
Jenna Gorsich is a student at St. Margaret’s School of Nursing in Pittsburgh, PA. She loves her faith, enjoys spending time with her family and friends, making all kinds of arts and crafts, taking road trips, being outside, and learning new things!
The Executioner (Full Cast)
Photo Op

Voice Artist
Jessica Evans
Jessica Evans is a college student at Seton Hill University residing in Latrobe, PA. She has performed in several Stage Right student productions in Greensburg, PA. Her favorite roles include a “Cheshire Cat” from Alice in Wonderland Jr. and the “Librarian” in Yes, Virginia. Jessica takes vocal and guitar lessons. She is also a member of the Westmoreland Choral Society, and is involved in Holy Family Catholic Church’s youth ministry.
The Angel’s Door
Saint Bernadette Soubirous
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 4 The Halloween Ghost Rider

Joe Campbell
Joe Campbell is the author of hundreds of light, satirical pieces that have appeared in newspapers and magazines in Canada and the US. He has also published two collections of his work, one of which received a Stephen Leacock Association Award of Merit. He is a contributing editor for Gilbert Magazine, published by the American Chesterton Society. His work appears regularly in that publication.
Professional Help

Writer, Voice Artist
Joe Potts
Joe Potts was born and raised in Pittsburgh, and attended Carnegie Mellon University. A retired engineer, he enjoys writing about the humor of everyday life. His articles have been published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the Tribune-Review, and the Loyalhanna Review. His humor blog can be found on his website, www.joepottszone.com. He also likes to write stories with overtones of skewed reality. Joe currently lives in Unity Township with his wife Susan, and felines extraordinaire Sofia and Nefertiti.
Encounter at Dragon Valley
The Test
Electron Jones and the Talent Thief
Electron Jones and the Mysterious Message
Electron Jones and the Mind Over Matter Affair
The Fourth Shop on the Right
The Barking Cat
Wish Upon a Christmas Star
Checking In
Sunday Golfer
Sonnet 01
Casey at the Bat
Photo Op
A Christmas Carol: Episode 2
Two Poets (With Sound FX)
When Genius Remained
The Model Millionaire
MisSpelled Episode 2
Patroness of Paris
Psalm 150
A Stranger at the Door
Beyond the Shadows of Darkness
The Old Haunted Tree (Writer / Reader)
Close Encounter of the Santa Kind (Writer / Reader)
The Forgotten (Writer/ Reader)
That Perfect Summer (Writer/Reader)
Message Received (Writer/Reader)
The Enchanted Chair (Writer/Narrator)
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 1 The Time Elephant (Writer/Narrator)
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 2 Visitors From Another World (Writer/Narrator)
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 3 Gone Without a Trace (Writer/Narrator)
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 4 The Halloween Ghost Rider (Writer/Narrator)
Stories fro the Tall Tales Club – Episode 5 An Abominable Adventure (Writer/Narrator)

Joe Rice
Joe is a husband and father of two sons, and a parishioner of Christ the King Parish. He attended the University of Pittsburgh where he earned an undergraduate degree. He then attend Seton Hill for his teaching certification. Joe achieved his Master’s degree in education administration at Duquesne University. Joe has been in Catholic Education his entire career. He taught at Mother of Sorrows before becoming principal at Mother of Sorrows School. He then moved to Aquinas Academy in Greensburg as principal, and still works there today. It was in education that he discovered his voice, and his love of reading. Making reading fun by allowing others to hear it is a passion of his, and at We Are One Body® Audio Theatre, he gets to do it in a Catholic environment!
The Barking Cat

John Kenyon
John Kenyon is former US Air Force Chaplain and father of five. He has been involved in theater since his high school days and passed on that talent to his children. John currently does work with the Providence Forum in Philadelphia, PA.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4
Patrick: The Reluctant Irishman
Father Brown and the Eye of Apollo (Zoom Performance)
The Mystery of the Blue Cross (Zoom Performance)
Psalm 119
The Old Sultan
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 2 Visitors From Another World

John Walker
John Walker has been a professional actor for over 40 years in television, film, and theater from Los Angeles to London. He trained at the American Conservatory of theater and has performed primarily in Shakespeare productions for most of his professional career. He now teaches theater at Franciscan University of Steubenville and plays G. K. Chesterton in an ongoing series at EWTN in titled “Chesterton Station”.
The Tale of Johnny Townmouse
Advent Lessons and Carols: A Scriptural Concert
The Annunciation
The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin
Father Brown and the Eye of Apollo (Zoom Performance)
The Mystery of the Blue Cross (Zoom Performance)
Jeeves Knows Best (Zoom Performance)

Writer, Director, Composer, Reader
John Wojtechko
John Wojtechko has a degree in communication and English from Saint Vincent College. He has performed on stage in over thirty theatrical productions and has directed, assistant directed, and produced six shows. Although his primary background is in film, he believes that the story is the most important element to any creative work, and he is blessed to have been able to produce worthwhile and meaningful stories at WAOB Audio Theatre. You can find his personal creative work on his YouTube channel, “John Wojtechko.”
The Eerie (With Sound FX)
The Selfish Giant
Christmas Letters
Casey at the Bat
To Phoebe
A Collection of Poems
Photo Op
Spirits of the Dead
The Brave Tin Soldier
A Christmas Carol: Episode 1
A Christmas Carol: Episode 2
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4
The Nightingale
Ode to the Mammoth Cheese
The Tale of Johnny Townmouse

Jordan Callahan
Jordan Callahan is a caricature artist from Pittsburgh, PA. He began drawing cartoons as a second grader in 2005. Throughout his childhood, no birthday gift could have made him happier than pencils and paper. Jordan began drawing caricatures in 2012, and has appeared at proms, festivals, libraries, theaters, birthday parties, and church events. His preferred mediums are pen and ink, colored pencil, watercolor, and frequently digital artwork.
Christmas Letters
The Brementown Musicians
The Two Brothers and the Gold

Jules Collins
Jules Collins is a sixteen-year-old junior at Greater Latrobe Senior High School in Pennsylvania. She has been involved in theater since age 11, and volunteers at her local church and food pantry in her spare time. She also is a tutor and babysitter.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4
MisSpelled: Episode 1

Voice Artist
Julianne Bartko
Julianne Bartko is a graduate of Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, and a minor in Children Studies. At Saint Vincent, she was involved with the Fred Rogers Scholars program, Campus Ministry, and various theater groups on campus. Eventually, she would like to have a career in children’s media. She is very grateful and excited to be a part of We Are One Body® Audio Theater.
The Little Raindrop
The Little Mermaid
The Hunting Party
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit

Kelsey McIntyre
Kelsey McIntyre graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a B.A. in English and minors in Russian and philosophy. She lives in Nebraska, where she spent a year teaching high school literature at Chesterton Academy of Omaha. She writes short stories about ghosts, dragons, and pastries for Gilbert Magazine, and is currently working on a middle grade novel involving evil birds.
The Nightmare of Prince Prezelsky
The Elves and the Playwright
Two Poets
A Grave Tale
The Pea and the Princess
The Eerie
Jack and the Giant Apple
Frendig and Shrillig
A Bedtime Story
The Golden Fish
Dragon’s Gold
The Sly Beast

Voice Artist
Lawrence Cuda
Lawrence Cuda is a man of multiple career backgrounds. He maintains the mindset “Always Forward” when considering new career opportunities. He was a professional rock music drummer, accustomed to performing at concert venues, and playing in studio recording sessions. Eventually, Lawrence switched gears and became an IT professional, most recently ending up as a radio host at We Are One Body® Catholic radio. Lately, Lawrence started to perceive that God was calling him to be a storyteller. Lawrence is still discerning what that role may entail, but he trusts God to lead him forward, as He always has. Being a reader for We Are One Body® Audio Theatre helps him to further God’s glory, while also having fun.
The Contrite Heart
The Storyteller
Electron Jones and the Talent Thief
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4
Psalm 6
Hope and a Prayer
Proverbs 03

Voice Artist
Leigh Anne Jerz
Leigh Anne Jerz, a full-time homeschooling mom and parishioner at Saint Vincent Basilica in Latrobe PA, holds degrees in theatre, English, and political philosophy. She has acted in stage dramas by Shakespeare, Ibsen, Gogol, Genet, and David Mamet. She has also performed with her family members in Stage Right musical productions including Shrek, Seussical, My Son Pinocchio, and Sleeping Beauty. She recently began directing again, with the Westmoreland county debut of Kooman & Dimond’s, Dani Girl. In the past, she has volunteered with parish adult education, Elizabeth Ministry, marriage preparation, and pro-life efforts.
The Monkey’s Paw
The Littler Mermaid
The Nightmare of Prince Prezelsky
Christmas Letters (with music)
Ozma and the Little Wizard
The Brementown Musicians
The King of Hearts
Heating Contractor
The Eerie (With Sound FX)
Electron Jones and the Mind Over Matter Affair

Voice Artist
Lilly Kenyon
Lilly Kenyon is a blooming student and vocalist. She has been in multiple theater productions including being Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Lily from Annie. She enjoys reading, writing stories and poems, rollerblading, singing, helping with children, and learning new things. She also performs ballet with Pazaz Christian Dance Academy.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4
MisSpelled: Episode 2
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 4 The Halloween Ghost Rider
The Milkmaid and Her Pot of Milk

Voice Artist
Luke O’Connell
Luke O’Connell lives in England, where he works in the field of digital consultancy. He enjoys going to the gym, and also socializing with friends and family, both at home and here in the US. He strives to allow Christ’s calming and loving influence to bring order to this otherwise chaotic world.
The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher
The Tale of Benjamin Bunny
The Old Man and Death
Psalm 74

Voice Artist
Marie Palmer
Marie Palmer is a city girl turned farmer’s wife. She and her husband Neil own Palmer’s Farm, a produce farm in Unity Township, where their Catholic faith is expressed through responsible cultivation of the land and service to the community. Marie spent many years as a teacher, first teaching 5th grade, then English as a second language. After earning a master’s degree in theological studies from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Washington, D.C., she taught adult faith formation. Marie has a life-long love of stage drama, and of reading and being read to. She aspires to build people up and bring them together through the enjoyment of art and culture with Christ as its source. She and her husband are the proud and grateful parents of an adorable baby girl.
Blessed Margaret of Castello

Voice Artist
Matthew Wojtechko
Matthew’s ambition is to create art that connects with others on a human level and makes them better. With a B.S. in computer science from Saint Vincent College in Latrobe PA, Matthew’s main focus is video game development. He is also a passionate short filmmaker. Acting is Matthew’s favorite hobby, having performed in dozens of theater productions over the last few years. His work can be found at sites.google.com/view/matthew-wojtechko
Imaginary Twin
A Day of Sunshine
MisSpelled: Episode 2
MisSpelled: Episode 6
MisSpelled: Episode 7

Megan Gannon
Megan Gannon graduated in 1997 from George Mason University with a BA in Mathematics, and a minor in Philosophy. Since graduating, she has worked as webmaster for many small businesses, organizations, and parishes. She has recently taken a part-time position as a software engineer with a contractor for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Born with Cerebral Palsy, Megan has persevered through many physical obstacles, including speech impairment and quadriplegia. Her faith and positive outlook on life have been her greatest assets. Special Saints for Special People (the source of the stories listed above) is her first book, and she hopes it will inspire others with disabilities to embrace their Catholic Faith.
Blessed Margaret of Castello
Saint Bernadette Soubirous

Micaela Kreuzwieser
Micaela Kreuzwieser is a senior English major with a concentration in creative writing. She hails from Canfield, OH and attends Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA where she is the President of the Gilbert & Sullivan Players, staff copy editor of The Review newspaper, editor-in-chief of Generation Literary Magazine, and a Eulalia Press intern. Besides writing, her interests include movies, food, traveling, and reading.
Father Brown and the Eye of Apollo (Zoom Performance)
Smart City (Zoom Performance)

Michael Brackney
Michael Brackney is a fourteen-years-old, homeschooled eighth grader who enjoys participating in a variety of sports, especially football and deck hockey. He is a member of the Greater Latrobe football team. He has participated in Stage Right productions in Greensburg, PA for several years. His favorite role was Tweedle Dee in Alice in Wonderland. Saint Michael and Saint Francis of Assisi are his favorite Saints. He lives at home with his parents and three sisters.
Christmas Letters (With Music)

Michael Marinchak
Michael Marinchak is a student at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA. He enjoys competitive swimming, board games, and books. His favorite literary works are those by J. R. R. Tolkien. He strives to follow Christ’s example, with every step he takes; to be a hero for those who need one.
The Monkey’s Paw
The Executioner
Saint Patrick’s Breastplate
MisSpelled: Episode 4
Psalm 69

Michael Steele
The power and beauty of the written and spoken word to convey truth and the human experience captivates Michael Steele, who considers himself a life-long learner. He was born into a family who had a high regard for literature and the pursuit of education; and so books, both printed as well as dramatized and adapted for audio, were among the more enjoyable leisurely past-times of his youth. In 2016, after having taught secondary education at a small private school for a number of years, as well as managed a weekend flea-market in Southern California, Michael relocated with his beautiful wife, Amy, and their two children to South Western PA. He currently works for We Are One Body Radio® as an audio technician and radio host, and teaches Introduction to Philosophy as an adjunct professor at Saint Vincent College. He holds a pontifical master’s degree in philosophy from Italy, speaks three languages, and hopes that one day he may play the banjo half as well as Steve Martin.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4
The Faithful Acrobat
Psalm 03
Proverbs 08

Voice Artist, Illustrator, Writer
Michael Thimons
Michael Thimons graduated from Franciscan University in 2013, and now works as a host and audio technician at We Are One Body® Radio. In his spare time, he enjoys illustrating saints for Catholic newspapers and bulletins, and reciting German words that he learned in audio theater, such as “Sturzflut” and “Überschemmung”.
Voice, Writer, Illustrator:
The Cold Death
Saint Bernadette Soubirous
The Thing in The Swamp
Blessed Margaret of Castello
When I Have Fears
To a Cat
The Rescuer
Cupid Armed
Sonnet 43
The Gift of Perseverance
The Little Mermaid
Photo Op
The Test
Be a Man

Nancy McKinnon
Before retiring from the working world, Nancy thoroughly enjoyed teaching high school German, French, and English/Journalism for 30 years, most of which were in the Ligonier Valley School District. She now devotes time to lectoring and serving on several committees at Latrobe Presbyterian Church, being an Ambassador at Excela Latrobe Hospital, and helping to do the good work of the Latrobe Area Hospital Aid Society. She is currently the Latrobe Area Hospital Aid Society President. In addition, she enjoys cooking, sewing, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. Nancy and her husband Ed are parents to two wonderful daughters and Nana and Papa to four super grandchildren. Nancy is thrilled to now also be a reader for WAOB Audio Theatre.
The Barking Cat
Patroness of Paris
The Reluctant Dragon (Zoom Performance)
Psalm 121

Nataly Smyntek C.
Nataly was born in England. At age 5, she started 1st grade at a Catholic school after her family moved to Pennsylvania, USA. In 3rd grade, she moved to Westmoreland County and became a student at Mountain View Elementary School, in Greensburg, PA. Since she was very young, she has enjoyed reading, role-play activities, science, and art projects. She has participated in dance, music and school plays since she was 3 years old. She enjoys storytelling, writing poems, fiction, short stories, and personal memoir essays. She has a genuine love for the works of Dr. Seuss, The Berenstain Bears, the Magic Tree House, Geronimo Stilton, and the Star Darlings. At 8 years old, she has already finished reading the complete Harry Potter series. Nataly also enjoys playing with her younger sister. They often perform impromptu plays together for their family.
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Spring Stream

Writer, Reader
Nathan B. Turner
Nathan Turner lives in Maryland and works in DC, researching American foreign policy. A transplant from Indiana, he’s been writing fiction and poetry since childhood. Fascinated by ideas and inspired by great writers, he hopes to portray the wonder and beauty of God’s creation through the written word.
A Man Needs His Work
The Tell-Tale Heart

Nicholas Hannon
A native Bostonian, Nicholas Hannon is an eighteen-year-old high school Senior and aspiring novelist currently residing in central Massachusetts. He is one of eight children, and is the bass player of the rock band “Paperchase”.

Voice Artist
Patrick Philip Becker
Patrick Philip Becker is a versatile actor, operatic tenor, arts administrator, director, and producer.
His arts exposure started with holiday choirs and plays at his elementary school and hearing classical music, big band, do-wop, country, and heavy metal while growing up.
“In the Forest at Night” as Harry is his first production with WAOB and was enormously enjoyable.
As a performer, he has been in opera, musical theatre, Shakespeare, voice overs, and most recently film. As a concert soloist, he has sung the tenor solo in Carmina Burana, and as Pirelli in a semi-staged concert of Sweeney Todd, and as a soloist in the Pittsburgh premiere of Leonard Bernstein’s Mass, all with the Bach Choir of Pittsburgh. Other performances have included the tenor solo in both J.S. Bach’s Magnificat and in W.A. Mozart’s Requiem.
In the theatrical arena, he has portrayed Theseus in A Midsummer’s Night Dream with Run, Rabbit, Run Theatre and Buddy in The Cardigans with the Theatre Factory in Trafford, Pennsylvania to name a few.
Recently segueing more to being on camera, he finished filming for Talons of the Phoenix with BulletTime Productions as Sergeant Kemper.
He is the director and producer of Deception and Disguises Opera Company which produces concert opera ensembles of rare and obscure operas and operettas.
When not performing, he teaches and coaches voice, and ESL virtually, as well as being an avid bicyclist and polyglot, as well as reading good sci-fi and/or fantasy novels.
In the Forest at Night
The Miser

Voice Artist, Writer, Illustrator
Paul Fox
Paul Fox a is married father of four, and grandfather of nine. Raised in mainline Protestantism, he converted to Catholicism 20 years ago after a vain search for the “true church” elsewhere. He has never looked back. Apart from family and work, his main loves are the study of languages, and singing with the St. Vincent Camerata.
Voice, Writer:
He Didn’t See
The Ballad of Bad Biruk
In Joyful Procession
The Finding at The Temple – St. Joseph
To Our Unborn Grandchild
The Son of Man Comes as a Thief
Maria of the Meadow
Pontius Pilate
The Last Leaf
Electron Jones and the Mind Over Matter Affair
God’s Grandeur
Carrion Comfort
The Canary Trick
Where They Lived
Photo Op
Fourth Shop on the Right
A Christmas Carol: Episode 1
The King and His Hawk
The Cremation of Sam McGee
St. Patrick’s Day
In the Forest at Night
Patroness of Paris
The Barking Cat (Zoom Performance)
Alice in Wonderland (Zoom Performance)
The Reluctant Dragon (Zoom Performance)
Sherlock Holmes and the Woman (Zoom Performance)
The Mystery of the Blue Cross (Zoom Performance)
The Star Spangled Banner
Goblin Feet
Little Orphant Annie
Bible Quiz 04
Missa pro defunctis pauperibus: I. Introit
The Forgotten
Psalm 5
Tollite portas
A Stranger at the Door
Beyond the Shadows of Darkness
The Enchanted Chair
Jimmy Scarecrow’s Christmas
Woods in Winter
Proverbs 02
Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 1 The Time Elephant
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 3 Gone Without a Trace
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 4 The Halloween Ghost Rider
The Bremen Town Musicians
Sound Effects:
Winnie the Pooh and Some Bees

Paul Guggenheimer
Paul Guggenheimer is a veteran actor from Pittsburgh who appeared most recently as Dan McGinley in “The Stuttering Pig,” part of the Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre’s Ray Werner Festival in 2018. That same year, he played the police officer in the Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre production of “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” by August Wilson. In 2017, he was the narrator in The Homestead Strike of 1892, also produced by Pittsburgh Playwrights and in May of that year played Professor Nemur in the Butler Little Theatre production of “Flowers for Algernon.” In the fall of 2016, Guggenheimer played Horace Gilmer, the prosecutor, in “To Kill A Mockingbird” with Prime Stage Theatre. It was Paul’s second appearance in a production of “To Kill A Mockingbird.” In May of 2015, he played the role of Atticus Finch for the Heritage Players in Brookline. In fall 2015, Paul appeared as O’Brien in the Bricolage production of “1984.” He previously performed the Orson Welles/Dr. Richard Pierson role in “The War of the Worlds” for Bricolage in 2013. Paul has also acted on film including the post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie “Dust of War,” which is available on Amazon Instant Video and other online platforms as well as Walmart stores coast to coast. He is currently employed as an interviewer/reporter for Trib Total Media.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 1
A Christmas Carol: Episode 2
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4

Peter Jerz
Peter Jerz, a homeschooled senior, has performed in a dozen Stage Right student productions in Greensburg, PA. His roles include Scrooge (A Lyrical Christmas Carol), Grandpa Joe (Willy Wonka), the Tin Man (Wizard of Oz), Linus (You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown), Editor Frank Church (Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus), and many others. He is active at Saint Vincent Basilica in Latrobe, PA in their Youth Ministry, choir, and Vacation Bible School. Peter enjoys reading, the outdoors, playing the piano, chess, and computer games.
The Monkey’s Paw
The Nightmare of Prince Prezelsky
Christmas Letters
Ozma and the Little Wizard
The Bremen Town Musicians
Electron Jones and the Talent Thief
Photo Op
A Christmas Carol: Episode 2
Only a Dad

Voice Artist, Illustrator
Peter Wojtechko, Jr.
Peter Wojtechko, Jr. is a writer and reader for the Audio Theatre. He is a 2015 graduate of Saint Vincent College with degrees in English Literature and Computer Science. He strongly believes an hour spent analyzing a movie, comic, or film score is an hour well spent, and is currently developing several series for WAOB Audio Theatre.
The Road Not Taken
A Christmas Carol: Episode 1
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4
The Great Figure
MisSpelled: Episode 4
MisSpelled: Episode 7
The Brave Tin Soldier

Philip Marinchak
Philip Marinchak is a student at Baggaley Elementary School in Latrobe, PA. His favorite subject is Science. He is also a parishioner at St. Vincent Basilica church, and his favorite Saint is St. Nicholas. He enjoys board games with his family, and playing with his dog Phineas.
Nativity Song
Guardian Angel Prayer

Rhiannon Owen
Rhiannon Owen is an actor/musician from Baltimore, MD. She recently received her Bachelor of Arts in Musical Theatre from Seton Hill University in Greensburg, PA. When not hard at work on her next project, she enjoys having Star Wars Marathons, learning almost-useless trivia, and practicing her Tony Award acceptance speech.
We Grow Accustomed to the Dark
The Steinway Sonnet
When a Merry Maiden Marries
Little Women
A Christmas Carol: Episode 2
MisSpelled: Episode 4
Father Brown and the Eye of Apollo (Zoom Performance)
Smart City (Zoom Performance)
Psalm 89

Ryan Kube
Ryan is an Illinois native who moved to Pittsburgh six years ago. He studied communications and public relations before beginning a diverse career in marketing, sales, project management. He currently works as a field service technician. His passions include spending quality time with family and friends, and playing golf.
The Barking Cat

Reader, Sound Effects Technician
Sarah Krnosky
Sarah was a former Radio Host and Audio Technician at We Are One Body® Radio. She graduated from Robert Morris University in 2013 with a Bachelor’s degree in Media Arts. While in college, she was very involved with the Campus Ministry, doing volunteer work, going on retreats, and advertising for Catholic events on campus. She has also interned with the Pittsburgh Penguins Radio Show, and the Marianist Family Retreat Center in Cape May, NJ. After learning how to use sound effects creatively in college, she realized that sounds enhance any story from movies, to TV shows, to radio. She loves being able to help enrich a listener’s imaginative experience while they journey through a story.
In the Old Churchyard by the Sea (SFX)
The Little Mermaid
Electron Jones and the Talent Thief

Voice Artist
Scott Walton
Scott stumbled into acting when his wife brought home a program announcing auditions for the Three Musketeers at Greensburg Civic Theater. He was dropped into the role of Athos and given a sword. Since then he has been in over 30 productions with the Indiana Players, the Geyer Performing Arts Center, and Apple Hill Playhouse. During the summers he portrays King Henry VIII at the Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival. He also works as an actor for scenario training across the state for Children and Youth Case Workers. He thanks his wife for keeping him sane and being his rock in this crazy world.0
The Declaration of Independence
The Two Fellows and the Bear
Photo Op
The Brave Tin Soldier
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
The Lion and the Mouse
Gentle Hand
Wish Upon a Christmas Star
The Sly Beast
Valentine’s Final Meal
Memorial Day
MisSpelled Episode 1
MisSpelled Episode 4
MisSpelled Episode 7
Father Brown and the Eye of Apollo (Zoom Performance)
The Mystery of the Blue Cross (Zoom Performance)
Smart City (Zoom Performance)
The Forgotten
Psalm 20
A Stranger at the Door
The Enchanted Chair
The Man and the Satyr
The Fox and the Crow
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 1 The Time Elephant
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 2 Visitors From Another World
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 3 Gone Without a Trace
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 4 The Halloween Ghost Rider
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 5 An Abominable Adventure
Proverbs 31

Sean Fitzpatrick
Sean Fitzpatrick is a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College. He is now the Headmaster of Gregory the Great Academy, a boys’ boarding school in the Catholic, classical tradition in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Mr. Fitzpatrick teaches courses in the Romance period, and mythology. His writings on education, literature, and Catholic culture have appeared in “Crisis Magazine,” “Catholic Exchange,” “The Imaginative Conservative,” and “Gilbert Magazine.” He lives in Scranton, PA, with his wife, Sophie, and their five children.
The Mystery of Dr. Watson
The Graveyard Shift

Sean Reilly
Sean Reilly graduated from Seton Hill University in Greensburg, PA. He sings with the Saint Paul Cathedral Choir in Pittsburgh, PA, and enjoys freelance writing.
Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock
The Mystery of the Blue Cross (Zoom Performance)
The Nightmare of Prezelsky (Zoom Performance)

Shana M. Buck
Shana Buck is a Professed Secular Franciscan, and is at her happiest when she is creating something; painting, sewing, embroidering, gardening, cooking, writing. She and her husband, of 33 years, Bill, home schooled their 8 children. She read to her children every night using character voices to introduce her children to Frog and Toad, Jemima Puddleduck and Peter Rabbit, Thomas the Tank Engine, and Uncle Wiggly, traveling in the summer through books to Narnia, Toad Hall, Middle Earth and Prydain. She is currently learning to write fiction, believing one is never too old to learn something new.
Caught by surprise in her early 50’s with a mild stroke, Shana decided that it was time to take her love of reading and story telling further as a way to heal her brain and become productive doing something she loves. She took a short course in audiobook narration and became an Audible narrator. She has also expanded into voice overs for commercials, voices for online character games, and was also recently asked to voice the Virgin Mary in a documentary on the apparitions in Medjugorje, and acting in the WAOB audio Theatre.
She and Bill have one grandson. They are active parishioners at St Joseph the Worker in Weirton, for which they are both readers at Holy Mass. They run a diocese-wide daily online rosary with the blessing of their bishop.
Uncle Wiggly and the Sky Cracker
Here is the Little Door
The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-winkle
For the Dead
The Golden Fish
St. Paul
Christ’s Bloody Sweat
Easter Wings
MisSpelled: Episode 5
MisSpelled: Episode 7
The Mystery of the Blue Cross (Zoom Performance)
The Barking Cat (Zoom Performance)

Stephen Marinchak
Stephen Marinchak is a parishioner at St. Vincent Basilica church in Latrobe, PA. His favorite things are attending school at Baggaley Elementary, learning about the life of St. Patrick, playing sports and videogames, taking family vacations, and playing with a good roll of scotch tape. He has four brothers, two sisters, and a dog named Phineas. He advises everyone not to ask for a Rocket Blaster 3000 for Christmas.
Christmas Letters
Close Encounter of the Santa Kind

Susan Potts
Susan Potts is a retired administrative professional. She first worked at Elliott Company in Jeannette, where she met her husband Joe; but most recently, she worked at a local police department for over 20 years. She enjoys photography and has had several photographs published in the Loyalhanna Review, a magazine published out of Ligonier, PA. She spends as much time as she can with her three adored grandchildren, who try to escape the constant lens of her camera. Having had a lifelong dream of being on stage, she is thrilled to be able to contribute to WAOB Audio Theatre. She lives with her husband and two spoiled, but cherished, cats.
Photo Op
A Christmas Carol Episode 2
MisSpelled: Episode 2
Patroness of Paris
The Forgotten
Psalm 62
Beyond the Shadows of Darkness

Thaddaeus Nypaver
Thaddaeus Nypaver, a home schooled junior, has been taking art classes at Cherry Court Studio in Pittsburgh, PA for 5 years. His artwork for The Contrite Heart, called “Judgement and Mercy”, was drawn in colored pencil, Thad’s favorite medium. The Blood of Christ is depicted as relieving the suffering of a poor soul in Purgatory. Thaddaeus has worked with water color, marker, oil pastels, and chalk. His other pieces have won numerous awards in the Scholastics Art and Writing Competition, and he plans to enter this drawing into the next competition in 2018.
The Contrite Heart

Voice Artist
Theresa Arnette
Theresa, enjoying retirement from the work-a-day-world, is delighted to have found WAOB. The projects the WAOB Staff chooses are exactly what she had in mind when she decided to give her dream of being a Voice-Over Artist wings. Theresa holds a BFA in Related Arts/Theatre from Kutztown University of PA, an MA in Communication Performance from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana and an Advanced Degree Teaching Certification from the Kripalu Institute for Yoga & Health.
Psalm 96
A Frog’s Destiny
The Lockless Door
Sonnet 18
Hope and a Prayer

Voice Artist
Tony Chiappetta
Tony Chiappetta has thirty years of experience in the field of public finance, where he has worked directly with school districts, municipalities, counties, and municipal authorities. Although Tony is retired from full-time work in public finance, he continues to work as a part-time consultant for a small municipal advisory firm. Tony was recently invited to present on Municipal Bond Basics by the Allegheny League of Municipalities at Seven Springs, and to the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association at Nemacolin Woodlands.
In his pursuit of voiceover training, Tony has worked with such professional artists as Marilyn Caye, Amy Hartman, and Jack Bailey. He has read for the audio books program offered by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped, narrating two audio books, Still Walking and Still Falling, both by local author Rob Oliver. Tony has also recorded three audio books for the Audiobook Creation Exchange, marketed on Amazon, Audible and iTunes.
Tony is a life-long practicing Catholic, and serves as a lector and as a member of the money-counting team at St. Kilian Parish in Cranberry Township. He is also a volunteer reader of scripture at Orchard Hill Church in Wexford. Tony and his wife, Diane, reside in Adams Township, and they are the parents of two adult sons.
The May Magnificat
The Sphinx
The Voluntary Convict
The Elves and the Shoemaker
Androcles and the Lion
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4
The Snowman
The Heron
The Coming of the King
The Intercession of the Saints
A Thunderstorm
The Virgin Perfect
The Two Become One
James and John
The Voluntary Convict
The Road Not Taken
MisSpelled: Episode 2
Prayer to St. Joseph Before Work
Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening
Patroness of Paris
Psalm 10
Proverbs 20

Trina Kenyon
Trina Kenyon has loved acting since she was little. Throughout her life, she has been involved with numerous stage productions, including plays, musicals, and operas. “A Christmas Carol” is her first audio theater experience, and she is grateful to We Are One Body Audio Theater for the opportunity to be involved. As of 2019, Trina attends Westmoreland County Community College, where she plans to major in Computer Science.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4

X. Alejandra Castillo Smyntek
Alejandra is a filmmaker, an artist, and a PhD researcher. She has shown her video work at conferences, festivals, and galleries in the US, Chile, and the UK. She enjoys making digital artwork, as well as writing creative stories and poems. She has done radio and television feature productions including interviews, commentaries and sound landscapes. She has combined her graduate studies in Screen Studies & Cultural Studies in her own research work and teaching. She has taught Spanish language, Hispanic literatures, cultures & film at the university level nationally and internationally. Her faith is a big component of her work and daily life. She enjoys family life, traveling, dancing, singing, and being actively involved in the church.
Beauty is Vain
Meeting at Night

Voice Artist
Xavier LaFosse
Xavier is a homeschooled high schooler living in the Laurel Highlands area of Pennsylvania. He is the second oldest of seven siblings. Xavier enjoys archery, altar serving, baking, coding games, playing cards, and drinking a good cup of tea.
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Christmas Carol: Episode 4
MisSpelled: Episode 2
Righteous Among the Gentiles

Voice Artist
Zach (Mariah) Betz
Mariah is a student at Seton Hill University studying Creative Writing and minoring in Spanish. She has always loved stories, and is recently exploring the many ways to create them through the written word, radio, stage, and film. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family, reading, writing, playing video games, learning languages, and going to every contemporary Christian concert in Pittsburgh. Living in Allison Park since high school, she is a parishioner of St. Catherine of Sweden Catholic Church. She was raised Catholic, values her faith, and is discerning religious life.
A Prayer Under the Pressure of Violent Anguish
Hope is the Thing with Feathers
Lights On
If You Were Coming in the Fall
A Christmas Carol: Episode 3
A Dream Within a Dream
A Bird Came Down the Walk
Little Tree
MisSpelled: Episode 4